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Chatwold - Joseph Pulitzer

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Joseph Pulitzer, the newspaper mogul, came to Bar Harbor in the summer of 1893 looking for a quiet refuge from his work. He rented Chatwold from Louise Bowler and bought it the following summer. His first change was to construct a "Tower of Silence," to reduce noises that bothered his sensitive hear­ing. He even went so far as ask the authorities to tum off the fog horn on Egg Rock to no avail. Mr. Pulitzer's summer home was torn down in 1945. The Pulitzer Prizes, awarded for excel­lence in American journalism and arts and let­ters, were conceived by Joseph Pulitzer while in Bar Harbor in 1902. They were created after he died in 1911 by an endowment and first awarded in 1917. The correct pronunciation is "pull'itzer", as opposed to "pewlitzer."
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